Friday, April 29, 2005

who not to date: comedians

From Greg Gilderman's latest column on page 15 of Metro NY, titled "He's NOT the One:"

So remember, ladies, that guy is not The One if...

He's a comedian. I know comedians. I like comedians. But for all you ladies dreaming of the mirth that will ensure if you date a comedian, here's the real joke: your life will consist of telling him he's a genius when he's home, and wondering which drunk girl from the audience he's doing the wild thing with when he isn't.

How cute are Chelsea Peretii and Michelle Collins?

I missed Chelsea's museum event last night, but will totally be checking it out, but got to chat with Michelle at Rififi while she wrangled a huge dog (not hers) and told me funny stories.

CHECK OUT THEIR NEW SHOW THIS N' MORE - tonight and May 13th, awesome lineups, super funny stuff. May 13th, I'm totally there.

Giulia Rozzi's STUPID FOREIGNERS - I'll be there

Even if you've seen it before, see it again with all its super duper new additions!

STUPID FOREIGNERS, a one lady show written and performed by Giulia Rozzi. Directed by Steve Pasek. Tech by Mo Fathelbab.

When you are dumb, different, and obsessed with food and sitcoms, who else can you blame but your immigrant parents?

Monday, May 2nd
9:30 pm
at the UCB theatre 307 W. 26th St. at 8th Ave
Please make reservations at 212-366-9176


Margot Leitman's show "Just Here For the Day"

What: "Just Here For the Day"
When: Wed. May 11 and 18 8PM
Where: UCB Theatre, 307 West 26th St between 8th and 9th, C,E, 1,9 to 23rd
street, M23 to 8th Ave.
Phone number: 212-366-9176
Cost: $5

1. Have you ever hated your job?
2. Have you ever felt like you wanted to be a kid again?
3. Have you ever fought against the structure of a system?
4. Do you prefer rock n roll to musical theatre?
5. Have you ever had a rude awakening that it's time to grow up unfortunately?
6. Have you ever desperately needed money?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then you must see this show!

Join comedian Margot Leitman (AMC, Mtv, Vh1, E!, co-host "Everyone Wins") as she tells the story of: growing up, working in an elementary school, selling out, becoming a reluctant role model, rock n roll, and Kiefer Sutherland.Find out if this former wild child keeps it real or starts making color coded activity wheels. Perfect for past or present school teachers who
have ever questioned their "purity factor."Added bonus... a great rock n roll soundtrack!

"There was only so long I could rebel against the system before it started to work against me."

written and performed by Margot Leitman
featuring Sarah Burns
directed by Chad Carter
artwork by Steven Gemberling and Andy Rocco

featuring the music of: Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi, Heart, The Allman Brothers, ZZ Top, Joe Cocker, The Band, Ozzy Ozbourne, Andrew Lloyd Weber, and the theme song to “Head of the Class.”

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Siddown & Shaddup!

Your typical night behind the Port Authority.

& tough customer!

Monday, May 2nd, 9th, 23rd
Siddown & Shaddup!
The PIT Theatre
154 W. 29th St. (above Subway), NYC
9:30pm * $5.00

Liam McEneaney (from VH1's Best Week Ever) & Claudia Cogan invite you to Siddown & Shaddup! - a new sketch comedy show about such alarmingly hilarious subjects as pie-eating contests, mail-order brides, dead puppies, unethical psychiatrist relationships, and the quest for the right cell phone carrier.

They know what you want. So just follow orders.

Also starring: Andres DuBouchet

Directed by Brian Finklestein

Emerging Comics of New York Awards!

Also, I don't know what the deadline is, but maybe they'll update that soon, I'll mull over my thoughts this weekend and then get to voting. It actually won't be that difficult. And whatever, I am putting on the BEST COOLEST FUNNIEST comedy show ever in November and any readers of this site are invited! Maybe that was a bit over the top, but I'm trying to make myself excited to turn 30 so will be having my favorite comedy peeps onstage to make me laugh. But anyway, you want to know about ECNY. The awards ceremony will be held:

Thursday June 23rd, 9:30pm
UCB Theatre 307 W. 26th Street
New York, New York

(Just an observation: I love how a year ago I had NO CLUE about any of this stuff, never heard of ECNY, never heard of pretty much any of the people I link to here, and now my May calendar is basically totally filled with comedy shows. I love New York and discovering all these fabulous new scenes and such - new to me, I mean.)

You can now nominate your favorite comics for this year's ECNY Awards. I will have to think long and hard about who I vote for, it's gonna be tough but luckily there are multiple categories so I can share the wealth. Liam McEneaney has some (self-serving) suggestions, but I say, go out to lots of comedy and make your own decisions. I probably won't be sharing who I vote for because there are just so many wonderful people and I have no clue how to decide, but anyway, I'll do the best I can. Better too have too many funny people to choose from than too few.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Saturday Night Rewritten this Sunday!

This Sunday, yet another reason to attend Saturday Night Rewritten is that I'll be sitting in with all the fabulous writers. I have no idea really what I'm doing in the comedy-writing realm, but will be glued to my TV Saturday night (I know it's a repeat, but I haven't seen it) and hoping funny inspiration strikes. Come on out to the show! Here's some info from their site, they also have a blog:

Saturday Night Rewritten is a collective of comedy writers/ performers founded in New York City in the Fall of 2003. SNR has the expressed goal of countering “certain tendencies” and laziness in sketch comedy today.

Every week the best sketch comedy writer/performers of Juvie Hall watch the previous night’s broadcasted Saturday Night Live and meet the next day at 1pm. Over the next seven hours they brainstorm, write, rehearse, and perform a 90 minute original sketch comedy show that spawned from the seed of that episode of SNL. Even if the episode was a repeat that night, it gets the Rewritten touch blended with current events and humor. 

Saturday Night Rewritten has written and performed over 40 different shows in the past year. Its open-ended run hints that there is no stopping this collection of comedic talents. SNR follows the format of SNL, but by no means is it limited to its content. There is no FCC or corporations to kowtow to. Aside from sketches, there is a celebrity guest monologue, a weekend update-type news segment, and a live musical act. Past musical acts have ranged from Heavy Metal to Folk.

Funny people at Ars Nova

And check out publicist Kambri Crews's weblog - she reps a lot of comedians, and is pretty funny herself, such as her take on The Dating Diary - The Him Book.

from Ars Nova:


Everyone's favorite purpose-driven show CREATION NATION returns with brand new jokes about the 3 or 4 news stories people sort of know about!

Join the gay priest of comedy, Billy Willing, and his sidekick, the tragic and sexy Robin Lord, as they conga out of their comedy conclave and gay bash you with comic variations on such dazzlingly tired subjects as Michael Jackson and the new Pope!

Featuring a Very Special Guest appearance by Saturday Night Live's RACHEL DRATCH!

This Thursday, April 28 @ 10:00 PM

Downtown ringleaders Bridgett Everett (At Least It's Pink) and Kenny Mellman (Kiki and Herb) lead a solid lineup of oddities, music acts, comedy and all out fun as the audience decides who gets the hook and who gets the dinette set.


Troubadour - JAY BRANNAN
Special Musical Guest - TAYLOR MAC

Next Thursday, May 5 @ 10:00 PM

Thursday, May 12th @ 10pm

in his solo show

The Lionel Richie Opera


THURSDAYS AT TEN brings the raw underbelly of New York's alternative music and comedy scene to the Ars Nova stage.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Twin Killing, May 2nd

Matt Goldich, who I seem to run into on the street all the time, told me during last night's sorbet/subway run-in about this show he's doing next Monday, Twin Killing. I will be at Giulia Rozzi's Stupid Foreigners show, but you all should check this out. Again, a show with a bizarre title that begs to be explored further:

Monday, May 2, 1005
Twin Killing
Hosted by Matt Goldich and Chris Jurek
34 E 4th Street (between Lafayette St and Bowery)
8:30 pm
Featuring Stuckey and Murray, Brian Finkelstein, Andrew Goldstein, and other special guests still to be determined.

Andres du Bouchet makes me laugh

So I interviewed him at Gothamist about his comedy and Giant Tuesday Night and other randomly amusing things

Check it out, along with his show Giant Tuesday Night Of Amazing Inventions And Also There Is A Game tonight at 8 at Rififi, it's free!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Sunday night Invite Them Up taping

Shamlessly grabbed from Time Out New York's picks - I'd go to this but am gonna be sitting in with the Saturday Night Rewritten crowd pretending to be a comedy writer, I mean, "covering" them for...a yet-to-be-determined publication. Also, if anyone is a blogger whiz and can help me get these posts up to the top as opposed to way below the links, that'd be awesome.

Sun 1 Invite Them Up Recording Pianos 8pm, $10.

For the three-year anniversary of their Nightlife Award–winning, weekly show, Eugene Mirman and Bobby Tisdale convert Invite Them Up to a two-CD and one-DVD set for Comedy Central Records. Their guests for the three-night affair run like a who's who of New York's alternative comedy scene, including Slovin and Allen, A.D. Miles, David Cross, Benjamin and Glaser, Heather Lawless, Jessi Klein, Patrick Borelli, Todd Barry, Craig Baldo, Andy Blitz, Andrea Rosen and many more.


Not only is this new show PowerPoint Hour being produced by two of my favorite comedians, how freakin' cool and just random is it to put on a comedy show where everyone has to present in Powerpoint (a program I, for one, absolutely suck at)? As soon as my favorite singer finishes her songs, I'm there.

Here's the details:

New York's hottest comedians bring you an evening of funny PowerPoint presentations!

Friday, April 29, 10:00 p.m.

Juvie Hall Sketch Comedy Theatre
24 Bond Street, btw Bowery & Lafayette

Tickets $8, through Smarttix 212-868-4444,, or at the door

Hosted by Sara Schaefer & Jon Friedman

Featuring presentations by:

Patrick Borelli
Aziz Ansari
Cowboy & John
Amanda Melson

and more!

Sara Schaefer presents an evening of some of her favorite comedians - no topic is limited, the only requirement is that each performer delivers the goods in the form of a powerpoint presentation. These will be way more interesting than that sales projections presentation you saw in this morning's staff meeting.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Shows I Want To See

In no particular order cause I'm lazy/tired:

Angst invades the east coast! Announcing Mortified NYC ! See an all NEW cast share their most pathetic childhood writings... in front of total strangers. A night of utterly shameful teenage poems, diaries, essays, and creepy love letters. New city, same melodrama.  (And yes, these shows will sell out.)

WHAT: Mortified NYC
WHEN: Sunday April 17th + Sunday April 24th (8pm)
WHERE: The Tank  (432 W 42nd St, NYC 10036)
COST: $10
TICKETS: Available @
STARRING : Sara Allocco, Brandy Barber, Abby Gross, Margot Leitman, Jen McNeil, Dave Nadelberg (April 17 only), Will Nolan, Giulia Rozzi, Victoria Scroggins, Maria Suozo and Law Tarello.


VH1's Best Week Ever LIVE!
Two Performances Only!

See Best Week Ever's top panelists slice and dice their way through the week's big stories in pop culture. They won't have the crutch of basic cable production values -- it's nothing but raw nerve and sharp wit in this workshop production.

Bring a prized pop-culture souveneir -- lunchbox, boardgame, keychain, clothing, etc. -- from your past to the show and let "Pop Culture Road Show" Expert Paul Scheer, and co-star co-appraisers, tell you how much your treasured item is worth.

Starring Jessi Klein, Paul Scheer, Sherrod Small and Christian Finnegan

Thursday, April 28, 2005
8:00pm & 10:00pm
Buy Your Tickets Now at


PowerPoint Hour
Friday, April 29, 2005, 10 p.m.

Featuring powerpoint presentations by Patrick Borelli, Aziz Ansari, Cowboy & John, Amanda Melson, and more!
Hosted by Sara Schaefer & Jon Friedman

Juvie Hall Sketch Comedy Theatre
24 Bond Street, btw Bowery & Lafayette
Tickets $5,, 212-868-4444, or at the door


Everything Chelsea Peretti is doing:

April 28th, 6-8PM (Thurs). Contagious Media Exhibit @ the New Museum, OPENING NIGHT. 556 W. 22nd St. (at 11th Ave.) This will kickoff a five-week run of our show.

April 29th, 8PM (Fri). This'N'More @ Juvie Hall. 24 Bond St. (b. Bowery and Lafayette). OPENING SHOW. Chelsea Peretti and Michelle Collins offer a unique bi-monthly comedy evening with special guests: Adam Wade, Aziz Ansari, AD Miles, and Ahna&Lauren.

May 11th, 6:30-8PM (Wed). IHEARTINTERNET @ The Apple Theater (Soho)--yes, the mac store with CP and Michelle Collins. Appearances by: Eugene Mirman, AD Miles, and Jake Fogelnest. At 103 Prince St. (& Greene)


Monday, May 2nd, 9th, 23rd
Siddown & Shaddup!
The PIT Theatre
154 W.29th St. (above Subway)
9:30pm * $5.00
Liam McEneaney & Claudia Cogan write and perform a sketch comedy show about such inherently hlarious subjects as unethical psychiatrists, the end of marriage, and elective surgery.
Also starring: Andres DuBouchet
Directed by Brian Finklestein


Variety Underground

2 Year Anniversary Show!

Thursday, May 5

7:00 p.m. - Admission FREE, 2 drink min ($3 beers!)

Parkside Lounge

317 East Houston, NYC


Rob Paravonian is one of the cutest comedians in town, if you care about things like that. For those less superficial, he's also TOTALLY hilarious and goofy and at this show, he wants to feed you! Check it out:

Tuesday, May 10th-- 8:30 pm!
Save the date and time, it's the Rob Paravonian Happy Hour! I'm doing a special headling set at the Laugh Lounge, because every once in a while I like to do a nice full-length set here in the city. And to make the show extra special I'm having my friends Jonathan Corbett and Liam McEneaney on the bill and we'll have free food for the audience before the show.

Rob P's Happy Hour!
Free Food! Great Comedy!

Tuesday, May 10
Food at 7:30, show at 8:30
The Laugh Lounge
151 Essex, NYC
212-614-2500 for reservations
only $5, +2 drink min.


Cheryl B. Presents:

The Poetry vs. Comedy Variety Show:
Funny Poets and Word Wise Comedians in the ultimate battle of wits!

Master of Ceremonies: Regie Cabico

The Poets:

Scotty The Blue Bunny
Nathan Penlington
Thaddeus Rutkowski

The Comedians:

Carolyn Castiglia
Jon Friedman
Becky Yamamoto

10 P.M.
@ Galapagos
70 N. 6th Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Becky Yamamoto makes me laugh

I just may go to this show tonight after the rejection show cause it's got some of my favorite funny ladies on the bill. Also, no clue what Becky's May 11 show title means but it cracks me up:

This month's topic:
Your deepest darkest secret
(1st Ave and 1st St.)
April 20

Featuring: Chelsea Peretti, Claudia Coogan, Devin T Quin, Becky Donahue, Giulia Rozzi, Lianne Stokes, and Becky Yamamoto

Becky Yamamoto's new show based on a pop star sensation.
PP wants you there

Spoiler Films online, Laugh Lounge, etc.

Spoiler Films from Monday night are now online, including one by Aziz Ansari.

Monday night's show at Laugh Lounge was so hilarious that at one point I really almost peed in my pants (thanks, Craig Baldo). We were dining on cupcakes and being silly. Everyone was extra funny, which is good because that show made me realize I need to chill on going to comedy shows because I had seen every single performer, most more than once, except Anthony Devito. To their credit, some had material I hadn't heard, everyone cracked me up. Todd Levin actually fell on the floor and did a stellar job, Liam did his now-infamous bootylicious joke that I'd only heard about, Claudia was her usual adorable and hilarious self and Christian Finnegan talked about everything from dance club names to traveling with his girlfriend to not being a Red Sox fans. It was taped for something, I'm not quite sure what. Also, you can see all those people on any given night for free, but it was worth it that one time. Seen in the audience: Emma Taylor, Rob Paravonian and Sara Schaefer.

Monday, April 18, 2005

3 great comedy shows tonight

I'm going to the first one at Laugh Lounge, and bringing cupcakes.

Monday, April 18th
At the Laugh Lounge
151 Essex St.
For Reservations call 212-614-2500
8:00pm * $5.00 cover + 2 drink minimum

HOSTED BY: Craig Baldo (Premium Blend, Late Friday)

* Claudia Cogan (UCB, the PIT)
* Josh Comers (clubs all over)
* Anthony DeVito (VH1's "All Access: Celebrity Showdown 2")
* Ritch Duncan (editor-in-chief, Jest magazine; writer, Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn)
* Todd Levin (How to Kick People)
* Liam McEneaney (Premium Blend, Best Week Ever)
* Amanda Melson (head writer, "Sara Schaeffer is Obsessed w/ You")
* Fiona Walsh (Sundays at Seven)


* Christian Finnegan (Comedy Central Presents 1/2 hour special, Chappelle's Show, VH1 "Best Week Ever")


Monday,April 18th.Ed Sullivan on acid,Freddy's backroom,485 Dean
Heights,Brooklyn.718-622-7035.m,n,r,w,to pacifc,q,4,5,to
bergen.p9pm,Free.Pat O'Shea hosts:Chris Jurek(comedy central laugh
riots)Bruce Cherry(Air America)Clara Bijl(Laugh riots)Rachel
Parenta(247)Shecky Beagelman(Law and Order)Catie Lazeraus(Movie w/Lewis
Black)Ken Pearlstien(Stand up New York).. Daniel Wright(Patently
and so on..


Spoiler Film Festival at Knitting Factory

Come check out our latest crop of comedy shorts about ACTION with special guests:

Slovin & Allen (Comedy Central Presents, SNL writers)
Nick Kroll (Welcome to Our Week, Chappelle's Show writer)
Andrea Rosen (Variety SHAC, Comedy Central's "Stella")
Aziz Ansari (local hero)

.. and The Mr. Move!

The following filmmakers will be showing off their latest goods:

Aaron Wilson & Brian Hersey
Anney Fresh
Aziz Ansari
Crystal River-Williams
Daniel Fine & David Kessler
Drew Prochaska
James Monohan & TJ Lawson
Jared Deal
Jonpaul Riggle
Late Night Ritalin
Luke Ward
Olde English
Three Good Excuses
Tony Carnevale
The Wicked Wicked Hammerkatz

The show will start at 8:30 on the nose at:

The Knitting Factory
74 Leonard Street

7 bucks, all ages

How to be a Late-Night TV Joke Writer

Mediabistro panel transcript on late-night TV joke writing

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Something that's come up a few times in the last couple months: the language of comedians. Namely, that with some of the ones I'm friends with, I often can't tell if they're kidding around or not in casual conversation. I think it's usually when they say something that I just can't imagine could possibly be true, it just sounds silly or preposterous, and I'm used to them saying things that make me laugh. It's also taken me a while to figure out that what comedians say onstage is for the most part true. Like someone I know was talking about getting instage and after his set I was like "are you really engaged?" and he really was. I think it's because I joke around in a totally different way, at least, to my mind, it's very obvious, and it's cool but sometimes a little unnerving not to know when someone's kidding. Just interesting. It definitely does feel like another language or set of verbal cues sometimes, though I think we all have various verbal and nonverbal cues we use, probably often unconsciously. Yes, myself included. I think sometimes people think I'm just always bold and direct and to the point, and in my writing I usually can be, but I also get shy/nervous/uncertain, more often than it probably seems.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Moonwork tomorrow night

Mark your calendars for Cheryl's big comedy/poetry event June 7th at Galapagos.

If I wasn't broke and in debt, I'd totally go to this - actually, I'm super excited to be a bum and stay home and do nothing, cause I'm an exciting girl like that, but check this out (thanks Nichelle:

moonwork presents
an evening of original works
saturday, april 16th at 9pm

Flight of the Conchords
Jessi Klein
Craig Baldo
Todd Barry
Tom Shillue

Greenwich Village Center
219 Sullivan Street
Between Bleecker & West 3rd

20 Dollars

Thursday, April 14, 2005

April comedy

Is Matt Goldich, like, the busiest comedian I know this month? So busy that he still hasn't told me what "Awkward Family Dinner" on Sunday is - I'm dying to know. I should really get my ass over to R Bar one of these weeks, I will, soon, really.

Also coming up very soon:

Tomorrow (Friday, April 15th), Sara Schaefer (is Obsessed With You)

Sunday is Comedy Pro Shop:

This week we present "A Very Special Comedy Pro Shop" that will
enlighten, inspire and lift your spirits. Susan Prekel will tell you
about overcoming a relationship with an abusive cat, Jesse Joyce will
display the triumph of the human spirit over double pneumonia, Ophira
Eisenberg will warn of the dangers of poking your eye out, and more!

The show is still free, still on Sundays, and still features some of
New York's best professional comics in an intimate setting. Come by if
you can!

Sunday, April 17th

The Comedy Pro Shop
presented by the Brooklyn Comedy Company
at Sin Sin Lounge
248 E. 5th St. at 2nd Ave.
seating at 8:00, show at 8:30

This week's lineup includes:

Eric Kirchberger from Premium Blend
Ophira Eisenberg from Premium Blend
Sandy Marks from King of Queens
Susan Prekel from the Montreal Comedy Festival
Jesse Joyce, nationally touring comic
a surprise guest
Rob Paravonian and more!

And from the fabulous Michelle Collins (I'll just quote her entire email cause I'm lazy - all I can say is I can't WAIT for WYSIWYG even though I have a book party to go to right beforehand that I'll be running to PS 122 from):

Friends, Family, and People I Rarely to Never Speak To,

I'll be reading and The WYSIWYG Blogger Talent Show ( this Tuesday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m., based loosely on my daily adventures seen at, along wiiiiiiith:

Elizabeth Spiers (
Daniel Radosh (

Jon Friedman (

Brian Grosz (

Frank Beekman (

Andy Horwitz (

The show's theme is Minimum Rage: Work Slaves Revolt!, which, for those of you that really know me, know that I spend 18 hours of my day plotting how I plan on quitting this nightmare of a job. Most of the time that fantasy revolves around me in 6-inch lucite heels, daisy dukes and a halter, waltzing into my boss's office and letting loose a streaming tirade of what a senile lunatic she is. But hey: When you get your paychecks in bags of rice, you must be doing something right.

Anyway, come to the show! (Read on for more appearances...)
Tuesday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. at P.S. 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets are $7 — call the P.S. 122 box office at 212-477-5288 or
click here to purchase advance tickets

Here are some other upcoming shows...


Hosted by the very funny Nick Kroll and Jessi Klein

RIFIFI (cinema classics)
332 E 11th st btwn 1st and 2nd aves
Line-up TBD, but always delivers.

APRIL 29 and MAY 13


Line-up still being sorted, but I can GUARANTEE it will impress.

JUVIE HALL, 24 Bond Street
April 29 and May 13, Fridays, at 8 pm


MAY 11

Another genius show hosted by the ubiquitous and charming Chelsea Peretti and the salmonella-riddled, you guessed it, Ms. Michelle Collins.

It's called i.heart.internet and will be at THE APPLE STORE THEATER IN SOHO! The show will deal with our obsession with all things web related, and will include bloggers and comedians doing other web-related comedy. WEB RELATED COMEDY AT THE APPLE STORE, FOLKS!! Breaking new ground.

May 11, 6:30 - 8 pm.
The Apple Store, aka "Station A"
Theater, Second Floor
I'm not even going to give you the address, you fuckers. Ya'll know where it is. (103 Prince Street.)

And speaking of crazy-o-busy nights:

Wednesday, April 20th

Rejection vs. Reputation

I may try to do both, or neither. Let me end it there before I embarrass myself.

Patrick Borelli interview

I interview comedian Patrick Borelli today at Gothamist - read all about his laughing at Liv Tyler, his audioblog with David Duchovny posts, Midnight Pajama Jam and more

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

"see you on the penny"

I keep getting behind around here, cause I'm so busy running around. Last night I was a total comedy nerd (well, in a new way), because not only did B-Muse and I go to Bob Powers' and Todd Levin's Pen Pals event at PSNBC, which was awesome - we got pen pals (well, we got names of pen pals, it's to be seen if our pen pals will actually pan out), traveled back in time with David Rees, laughed at the Blues Clues' guy's hilarious fan mail (someone wants to spank him!) and were also totally dorky and silly with our private jokes, then I went over to Rififi, because I've noticed that after Giant Tuesday, it's quite the hangout. Plus, I had candy to unload - that is clearly my role within the comedy world - bring people candy. So of course, I see people like Allison Castillo and Liam McEneaney, who I'd just seen at the Marquee. But most excitingly, I saw Ken, aka half of Pink Steel, who I hadn't seen in forever and ever since I was a dedicated member of the Pink Steel army. We sat and talked with Rob about sports and vacations and comedy and stuff.

The best was finding out about this little exchange. Pink Steel had written: "There is nothing like a comedy awards show for scoping ugly men." about last year's ECNY Awards, and Rob took issue with that so they posted his photo. Hee...not that I, you know, have anything to say about the attractiveness of comedians. Maybe you had to be there. Also at the Marquee I had this awesome 30th birthday party brainstorm idea; it's gonna rock. Now to just through the next 7 months, somehow, and have enough money left over to throw a party.

Okay, I'm realizing that blogging about going to comedy shows, well, it's cool and I want to share the funniness but...the jokes don't really translate. Most of them anyway. Maybe you just had to be there for Todd Levin (who also super kindly corrected me about this) talking about "cancer of the jealous" and the whole time travel warpedness - Rees had us change Abe Lincoln from a beret-wearer to a stovepipe-hat wearer, via his awesome comics, and there was a line in there that went "see you on the penny." See, I knew it, you had to be there. My little blogging experiment may not work out here, but I do have a bunch of show listings to post. Maybe I'm just too tired and blahed out to get into it all, but I will definitely be back to PSNBC, and I like that they have themed shows cause it makes it worth paying the $5 (or having your very generous friend pay for you - thanks A!).

Monday, April 11, 2005

Margot Leitman, Claudia Cogan, Christian Finnegan

I'm not gonna start saying anyone's my "favorite" comedian cause I clearly have a LOT of favorites (see the links above and to the left, which I can't seem to get in the proper place cause I'm not that nerdy, and can never figure out blogger templates), so here are some awesome upcoming shows, next week and May 3rd. My only only regret about having so many favorites is that I can't go see them all, because their events overlap, but that's okay. The more, the merrier! Check out some of these super funny people...I will soon blog about all the comedy stuff I've been going to. Comedy Pro Shop last night totally rocked. Christian Finnegan cracked me up with his "How Is This My Fault" bit about traveling with his gf, my first time seeing Rachel Feinstein was utterly hilarious as she did impressions of her Jewish liberal hippie mom meeting her Puerto Rican boyfriend, and Joe Devito bravely showed us his high school photo. Rob sang a funny song about a girlfriend, I honestly forget how it went, but his songs are always goofy, in a good way.

“Just Here For the Day”
a comedy about growing up, working in an elementary school, selling out,
becoming a reluctant role model, rock n roll, and Kiefer Sutherland.

Wed. April 20 7PM
UCB Theatre, 26th and 8th
reservations: 212-366-9176 or
written and performed by Margot Leitman
featuring Sarah Burns
directed by Chad Carter
artwork by Steven Gemberling and Andy Rocco

featuring the music of: Queensryche, Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi, Heart, The
Allman Brothers, ZZ Top, Joe Cocker, The Band, Quiet Riot, Journey, Ozzy
Ozbourne, and the theme song to “Head of the Class.”
Claudia Cogan is doing a TON of shows next week - my money's on this one (and I'll be going to it too):

Stand up, per usual, but done on the inside of an actual club! We're talking tables, stage, draperies - the whole nine. All I need is you to come and watch 'cause I'm being taped. In a good way, not a shadow government way.
8:00 PM
$5.00 cover + 2 drink minimum
At the Laugh Lounge
151 Essex St.
For Reservations call 212-614-2500

* Claudia Cogan (credit? this blog, bitch!)
* Josh Comers (clubs all over)
* Anthony DeVito (VH1's "All Access: Celebrity Showdown 2")
* Ritch Duncan (editor-in-chief, Jest magazine; writer, Tough Crowd w/ Colin
* Todd Levin (How to Kick People)
* Amanda Melson (head writer, "Saturday Night Rewritten")
* Liam McEneaney (Premium Blend, Best Week Ever)
* Fiona Walsh (Sundays at Seven)
* Christian Finnegan (Comedy Central Presents 1/2 hour special, Chappelle's
Show, VH1 "Best Week Ever")


mark your calendars for May 3...

PSNBC (also check out tomorrow's killer pen pals lineup - David Rees!)

Our shows take place every Tuesday at:
The Marquee Theater
356 Bowery between E. 3rd and E. 4th.

Showtime: 8pm
Doors: 7:30pm
Admission: $5

Tuesday May 3rd

Christian Finnegan (VH1's "Best Week Ever", "Chappelle's Show"), hosts guest comedians as they recount physical feats of derring do: power lifting, all-night boozers, mountain climbing, hot dog binges...they suffered bodily harm so you don't have to

(here's what RKB wants to see: someone dancing to Olivia Newton-John, as per the title!)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Comedy Pro Shop tonight!

This is fast becoming one of my favorite shows. Rob Paravonian cracks me up, especially watching him laugh to the other comics' sets.

from Rob:

Hello citizens, comedy fans, taxpayers.

This Sunday's Pro Shop features some great comics and it's still free!
No receipts to keep track of, well within the budget of someone who
hasn't gotten their return yet!

We have Christian Finnegan, whose half-hour special recently aired on
Comedy Central (and who you may remember as Chad from Chappelle's
Show's Mad Real World), Rachel Feinstein who's been seen on Premium
Blend, Joe Devito who was the creative consultant on the film Supersize
Me, plus Jeff Mac, Josh Comers, Gilad Foss and me, Rob P. as your lovely host and emcee.

Here are the details:

Sunday, April 10th
Seating at 8:00 pm, show at 8:30 pm
The Comedy Pro Shop
@ Sin Sin
corner of 2nd Avenue and 5th Street
no cover, no minimum


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Spoiler Film Festival, April 18th

Three times a year, comedians and comedy writers gather before a live
audience to showcase film shorts that is yet to be on Comedy Central. The Lower
East Side's hottest ticket is at *SPOILER,* a film comedy festival run by a
creative bunch of rowdy, young Williamsburg filmmakers, a refuge for New
York's best emerging comics, professional writers, and artists who display
their creative films before a live, drunk audience. Launched in 2003 by Drew
Prochaska, Jonpaul Riggle (Animator, MTV, Nickelodeon) and Aaron Wilson, *
SPOILER* was created to harness New York's abundant local comic talent, and
to provide local audiences with access to the finest comedy that they're
unaware of.

Striving to be more of a social event than a traditional film festival, *
SPOILER* takes place three times a year, presenting a diverse program of
stand up comedy, comedy shorts, and live acts in a downtown bar. In order to
challenge all of the filmmakers to be as creative as they can, those
participating in *SPOILER* have two months to produce a 5-minute comedy
short using a topic that is voted on by all involved. It's a collective
project, so all of the films must stay on topic and be made specifically to
be screened at the event.

At the end of those two months, there's a night of screenings and drunken
shenanigans, with stand-up routines and Comedy Central's *Shorties Watching
Shorties'* Jared Deal contributing original animation. This month's show,
"Action," is held on Monday, April 18 and features standup by *Slovin &
Allen* (SNL writers) and *Andrea Rosen*, *Mr. Move* as a musical guest and
films by *Aziz Ansari* (Comedian, Filmmaker), *The Wicked Wicked Hammerkatz
*(UCB Theatre), *Late Night Ritalin* (Comedy Troupe), *Anney Fresh* (Puppeteer) and comic routines from surprise NYC comics and writers. Hosted, by various Brooklyn artists, the event promises one giant, hideous Best Picture trophy for best short.

Over 300 people have attended each *SPOILER* for the past three years, with
record numbers achieved at the 2004 autumn festival. From Billy Merrit
(*Straight Plan for the Gay Man*, The Swarm) to Rachael Biello (UCB's Neutrino), many of New York's up and coming have contributed. Building on this popularity,
the following year's show has more films and a more assorted lineup. And so
it goes -- each year the festival gets bigger crowds, more coverage, and
most important -- more deserved attention is showered on the New York comedy
and filmmaking talents whose work hasn't been seen.

*The next installment of **SPOILER**, featuring the topic** "Action"* will
have the following filmmakers participating:

Aaron Wilson & Brian Hersey
Anney Fresh
Aziz Ansari
Daniel Fine
Drew Prochaska
James Monohan & TJ Lawson
Jared Deal
Jonpaul Riggle
Late Night Ritalin
Luke Ward
Olde English
Rachael Mason & Crystal River-Williams
Three Good Excuses
Tony Carnevale
The Wicked Wicked Hammerkatz

Advance tickets are $5 and $7 at the door. For more information or to order
a DVD from past *SPOILERs,* please contact Rina Raphael at
info @ and visit Spoiler at:

Premium Brooklyn and Spurn

If I weren't reading at Galapagos on Monday, I'd totally go to Premium Brooklyn - check out the link for details, it's at Ripple Bar with the likes of Christian Finnegan and Rob Paravonian.


spurn moves Off-Broadway and declares a comedy jihad!

Produced by Ross A. McIntyre & Neil Trivedi, an all-new
multimedia-based spurn debuts at the McGinn/Cazale Theatre, 2162
Broadway @ 76th Street, on Wednesday, April 13th!

Wait, did I say "multimedia"? Yes! For the first time ever, spurn
incorporates video segments into its stage production... for TWICE the
comedy! And all this at a brand-spanking new, beautiful Off-Broadway
theater on the Upper West Side. Did I mention that it's also all new,
never before seen material, too?

The Village Voice says that spurn ".leaves its audience gasping for
breath between guffaws as its relentlessly funny skits whip past
us.the nimble ensemble leaps effortlessly between vignettes, giving
the show a blessed fluidity for such a wrenching satiric picture."
New York Theatre Experience compares us to the Kids in the Hall,
saying spurn ".shares that series' hard-edged, envelope-pushing,
vaguely absurdist sensibility."

Directed by James Duff, the returning cast of spurn features the
extremely talented Eric Cross, Lara Jane Dunatov, Ross A. McIntyre,
and Jennifer Spragg, and warmly welcomes our newest hotheads, Matt
Klan and Bethany Sacks!

spurn will perform Wednesdays at 7:00 pm and Thursdays, Fridays and
Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. from April 13th through the 30th, 2005.
Running time is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. Tickets are $18
for general admission. For advance purchase, please visit For further information, please call 212-760-4788. And don't forget to check out the totally overhauled!

Make sure you purchase early, we tend to sell out quickly.
Ross A. McIntyre & Neil Trivedi
spurn Productions

Uptown on Broadway, this Thursday

from Rick Younger

Thursday, April 14
"Uptown on Broadway"
New York Improv, 318 W. 53rd St. between 8th and 9th
Ave. (212-757-2323) Subway: C,E to 50th St. 9:30PM,
$10 plus two-drink minimum.
A 4 headliner show of African-American comics who got
their start in the Def jam era. Come laugh at the
jokes and hear the stories that took them from Def Jam
to mainstream. Rick Younger, Mike Yard, Leighann Lord,
Walli Collins, Mark Theobald, Dean Edwards and Michael Worthington

Friday, April 08, 2005

welcome to my comedy world

I tried to post on here yesterday but it didn't go through. Welcome to my new comedy blog! I tried to get, but it was already taken. This is yet another blog I'm starting, because the comedy-going has gotten totally out of control, as evidenced by last night's hilarity with GirlyNYC, which I'll dish about later - there was jello and lots of laughter involved.

This will be where I post about all my awesome friends' upcoming shows, and report on funny stuff I've seen, read and heard and link to cool, funny people. I also have lots of comedian interviews lined up in the coming weeks at Gothamist, so keep your eyes open for that. And I know it's a little crazy to start yet another blog, but I think it will enhance both blogs to dedicate this one to a single, but vast, topic.

That being said - here's a show going on Saturday night, The Shark Show, which is one that I've yet to attend. I think I may lay low Saturday night, after a crazy week, but I do want to check it out soon (and by reading this, I just learned that the fabulous Christina McGrath hosts a Tuesday night show - who knew? But can we please add another day in the week, because I already have stuff like Giant Tuesday Night that I like to go to on Tuesdays?):

This Saturday Night, The Shark Show’s got”

**MAX LANCE: He has no credits. Honest just go to this website and
see! Max's site
**CHRISTINA MCGRATH: Who co-hosts the funny show, “Joystick” on
Tuesday nights right here at The Parkside Lounge.
**SETH HERZOG: He’s funny, he’s the name of a Saul Bellow book and
he’s the Zionist Occupational Government! Now, that’s one-stop-shopping!
(Host, "Sweet", VH1's "Best Week Ever)

**All this and more, brought to you by your hosts and houseband; NICK
lights, sound and the iTunes of Doom.

**Celebrate the fabulousness of your week by coming early and enjoying
the Parkside's 6-hour Happy Hour, with $3 well drinks and domestic beers.
Or stay late and feel frisky with the cast and crowd at our classic

All-New Comedy That Bites
Saturdays at 8pm
The Parkside Lounge
317 E Houston Street (@ Attorney St. {near Avenue B})
Door - Just $5
The Shark Show
"Comedy That Bites"