Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Spoiler Films online, Laugh Lounge, etc.

Spoiler Films from Monday night are now online, including one by Aziz Ansari.

Monday night's show at Laugh Lounge was so hilarious that at one point I really almost peed in my pants (thanks, Craig Baldo). We were dining on cupcakes and being silly. Everyone was extra funny, which is good because that show made me realize I need to chill on going to comedy shows because I had seen every single performer, most more than once, except Anthony Devito. To their credit, some had material I hadn't heard, everyone cracked me up. Todd Levin actually fell on the floor and did a stellar job, Liam did his now-infamous bootylicious joke that I'd only heard about, Claudia was her usual adorable and hilarious self and Christian Finnegan talked about everything from dance club names to traveling with his girlfriend to not being a Red Sox fans. It was taped for something, I'm not quite sure what. Also, you can see all those people on any given night for free, but it was worth it that one time. Seen in the audience: Emma Taylor, Rob Paravonian and Sara Schaefer.


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