Saturday, November 12, 2005

Jules, on the right, is totally fucking hilarious

Originally uploaded by brianvan.
Check out her blog, The Bruni Digest

"Poached black cod was unusually dry one time, wonderfully silken the next. It came with a mustard bread pudding that found D'or Ahn on the desirable side of that fence."

WHAT FENCE?? that's right, it's the fence between inventiveness and affectation, located in the town of Irrelevantville, in the County of YourRestaurantStillBlows, in the province of ButIDon'tKnowHowToSayThatSimply,ThankGod.

And yo, check it out, I'm not the only one who thinks so (I mean, I knew that, but she just got some major press): USA Today story on Bruni Digest - an AP article that was also published on Yahoo! and in Newsday, Boston Herald, etc.


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